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Home » Tanzania National Parks » Selous Game Reserve Tanzania

Selous Game Reserve Tanzania

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Selous game reserve map

Selous Game Reserve is found in Tanzania which is located in the eastern region of the African continent along geographical co-ordinates of 9o0’S 37o24’E. Selous Game Reserve is located in the south eastern part of Tanzania, it is bordered by Mikumi National Park in the north, Udzungwa National Park in the north west. Selous game reserve is not very far away from the Tanzania-Indian ocean coast in the east and as a result it is usually added on Zanzibar beach holiday safari packages.

Selous Game Reserve is one of the earliest wild conservation areas of the world as it was created in 1896, a German Tanganyika governor Herman von Wissman designated it as a game reserve which was turned into a hunting reserve in 1905. Selous Game Reserve is one of the biggest conservation units on the African continent as it spans over 50000sqkm or 19000sqmiles. Given its abundance of wildlife here and unique nature, Selous Game Reserve was designated as a united nations education and scientific and cultural site in 1982. Selous Game Reserve has its name stemming from Frederick Selous a former early conservationist and big game hunter who met his death in this area a place called Beho Beho in 1917 during World War I as he had tried to put up resistance against the Germans in Tanganyika during this war.

Selous game reserve is unique African wilderness destination with its big concentration of wildlife mammals like the African elephants, lions, giraffes, plain zebras, east African wild dogs, Nile crocodiles, hippopotamus, birdlife in Selous Game Reserve include a bird species like African spoonbill, white fronted bee-eater, pel’s fishing owl, African wattled lapwing, African skimmer, black winged tilt, broad billed roller, brown necked parrot, brown headed parrot, palm nut vulture, pearl spotted owlet, yellow billed stork, thick billed cuckoo. Selous game reserve is drained by the might Rufiji river that connects many in land lakes in the game reserve as it winds its way to its final destination the Indian ocean and this makes it a pristine spot for many of the wild mammals here to come and a have a drink.

Selous Game Reserve experiences a tropical savannah climate with one extended rain season that starts in November and lasts until may. During this rainy season it doesn’t really rain for the whole day but afternoon showers should be expected. Temperatures in Selous game reserve are generally warm and they range from a minimum of 21oC or 70oF to a maximum of 29oC or 84oF. The dry season comes in from the months of June all the way to October and temperatures range from 19oC or 66oF to a maximum of 28oC or 82oF.

Attractions in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania

Selous game reserve boosts of an array of wildlife attractions and these include wildlife mammals like the African elephants, lions, giraffes, plain zebras, east African wild dogs, Nile crocodiles, hippopotamus, birdlife in Selous Game Reserve include a bird species like African spoonbill, white fronted bee-eater, pel’s fishing owl, African wattled lapwing, African skimmer, black winged tilt, broad billed roller, brown necked parrot, brown headed parrot, palm nut vulture, pearl spotted owlet, yellow billed stork, thick billed cuckoo.

African bush elephants; African elephants are the largest land mammals in the world with a male elephant weighing in at 4,700-6,048kg or 10,362-13,334Ib and a shoulder height of 3.2-4.0m or 10.5-13.1ft while their female counterparts weigh in at 2,160-3,232kg or 4,762-7,125Ib and a shoulder height of 2.2-2.6m or 7.2-8.5ft. these land giants have 24 teeth in their mouths and usually lose their teeth 4-6 times in their life time which lies between 60-70 years. What sets these land giants apart from the rest of crowd is their elongated tusks which are in fact their second set of incisors. This means that the tusks are very strong as they are used to up root trees and also as weapons they use while fighting. The tusks weigh between 23-45 kg or 55-99Ib with a length of 1.5-2.4m or 5-8 ft. elephants usually live in groups called families which comprise of 10 or more closely related females with their calves and each of these families is led by an older female called a matriarch. Elephants have the ability to distinguish and communicate with each other using low frequency infrasonic calls. With a body mass that is compared to nothing else on land, African elephants have to feed on an average of 450 kg or 992Ib of foliage to sustain their huge bodies and also drink to over 50 liters of water per day. In fact, these elephants have the ability to smell water to up to 20 km or 12miles away. Elephants have an exposed skin so in order to control over heating of their body, they flap their big ears so as to carry away the heat or bathe in water ponds. It is believed that when an elephant flaps its ears, it can lose about 10oF of heat hence always staying cool even in the hottest temperatures. They also employ their elongated trunk to carry water and pour it over their ears to try and cool themselves. These land giants have very thin hairs around body parts such as eyes and noses and these are mainly for ensuring that germs and other bacteria don’t find it easy to enter the elephant’s body through these parts. The elephant trunk is a master piece of creation as it is equipped with 40000 muscles which is way more than an entire human body has at only 639 muscles. This makes the trunks a very strong and agile part of the elephant that can do many things. The elephant trunk is also used for breathing, snorkeling and also as an extended arm for holding, lifting or pushing anything they want to carry. A female elephant reaches sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 years and can reproduce after every 3-6 years throughout its lifetime. All elephants have a very poor metabolism and that’s why they eat a lot of food but ¾ of it will come out of the elephants undigested as dung. Due to the poor metabolic system, elephant calves have been recorded doing something bizarre and that is eating dung that has been passed out by their mothers but this is all because elephant calves can’t process raw grass hence, they have to resort to eating pre-processed food that has been passed out as dung. They have a gestation period of up to 22 months being the longest in all land mammals. Just like humans and apes, elephants are also highly intelligent species with a brain that weighs about 5kg or 11Ib which about 4 times heavier than that of human making it the heaviest brain of any land mammal. With such a brain, these land giants are believed to exhibit character traits like grief, learning, sense of humor, compassion, self-awareness, a very strong and vivid memory, play and use of tools and possibly a language.

Cape buffalo; The cape buffalo is also referred to as the African buffalo and they are a very common sight throughout this park. It is usually mistaken to be a close relative to domesticated cattle but its rather related to actually other bigger bovines. Buffaloes have a coarse black coat unlike their close relatives the forest buffaloes which have a reddish coat. As the male buffaloes grow older, the bases of their horns grows closer and it can even unite forming a feature called a “boss” which is very had to penetrate even with a gun bullet of less 16mm. you can differentiate a male buffalo from a female one by observing the structure of their horns, the male buffalo horns grow while curving outwards while the ones of the female grow while curving inside. The African buffalo is a big animal with a shoulder height of 1.0-1.7m or 3.3-5.6ft. it has a body length of 1.7-3.4m or 5.6-11.2ft and its tail has a length of 70-110cm or 28-43in. An adult male African buffalo can weigh as much as between 500-1000kg but the females usually weigh less than this. Cape buffaloes are usually found in the great plains of African savanna like Murchison falls park. Buffaloes usually stay in large herds that consist anywhere from 5-100 individuals and this is primarily for protection purposes from their predators. Although buffaloes have a very poor eye sight, this is compensated by possessing an acute sense of smell coupled with a keen sense of hearing, in fact, the buffaloes can stop whatever they are doing and stand still for many minutes or sometimes even hours just to listen even to the tiniest of sounds that may be made by any predator that may be stalking them. when buffaloes are attacked, the male buffaloes form defensive wall by being at the flanks of the herd while the females and calves are within the inner part of the herd.  the male buffaloes can even sometimes turn and chase the attacking predators They have a gestation period of 11.5 months and a life span of over 25 years in their natural habitats.

Giraffe; Giraffes can be distinguished from other giraffe sub species from their star-like stamped patches which are irregular and become darker especially in males as they age. The Masai giraffe is generally brown in colour with several shades of colour which can range from dried oak to orange and cream. The lower parts of their limbs are sticky like or very skinny but the upper parts of these limbs are study so as to support their massive weight. The giraffes have a unique walking pattern where as they have the ability to move both the front and hind limbs of one side of the body at once and then counter balance it by moving their long neck in the opposite direction. The adult male giraffe has an average height of 4.3-5.7m or 14.1-18.7ft and weighs in at 1192kg or 2628ib while an adult female weighs in at 828kg or 1825ib hence showing sexual dimorphism amongst giraffes. The giraffe also has a long tongue that is measured at an average of 45cm or 18in and it has a purplish black color which is believed to protect it from sunburns. The giraffes have the longest tail among all land mammals which measures up to 3.3ft long. Due to their big body mass giraffes also have a massive heart that weighs up to 5ibs so as to pump 60 litres of blood needed to move around the giraffe’s body in just one minute.  Giraffes also have the ability to sleep while standing and even when they lie down, they will put their long neck on their hip. The Masai giraffe are completely herbivores and spend their biggest part of the day about 16-20 hours feeding so as to satisfy their big appetites. The giraffe has a gestation period of 14-15 months and the birth period is between 1-6 hours after which a single calf is born and the mother will give birth while standing hence the calf will have to be ready for a rough landing when it comes out. The calves are born almost ready to walk because it takes a calf between 20 minutes – 1 hour to start walking. Masai giraffes have a life span of up to 25 years in their natural habitat.

Lions; These can be frequently sighted in Selous Game Reserve. Lions are part of the big cate family and are muscular, deep chested with rounded heads. Most of the African lion males can distinguished from their females by the presence of a mane around the necks and heads of male African lions which is clearly absent in females but there quite many cases in Africa where the males also don’t have a mane or have a very short and thin one. The male lions are usually bigger than the females but their sizes vary according to location. In east Africa, adult female lions have a body length of 160-184cm or 63-72in weighing in at 119.5kg or 263Ib on average while the adult males have a body length of 184-208cm or 72-82in weighing in at 174.9kg or 386Ib on average. Lions are social animals who live in groups called prides. A pride is always led by a dominant male and their highly territorial animals controlling vast expanses that are strategic with a lot of prey and water. Male dominant lions are responsible for protecting the pride and they will fight off other male invaders, in case the dominant male is defeated by the invading lions, the victor lions will kill off all the cubs that are off springs to the defeated dominant male as a way of ending its blood lineage.  Lions are carnivores and are at the top of the food chain feeding on almost all browsers and grazers within their domain due to their ability to hunt as a pride and carry out well coordinated and planned attacks which enables them to take down prey that can even be between 2-4 times bigger than them such as zebras, elephants and buffaloes. Lions usually hunt at night because of their well-developed sense of sight especially at night where their vision is almost 6 times better than that of humans due to the presence of white patches around their eyes which enable them to absorb even the smallest amount of light available during the cover of darkness. Hunting among lions is an affair carried out by female lions mostly and juvenile males and when a kill has been made by the lionesses in a pride, it’s always the dominant male lion who will eat first up to his fill then the rest of the pride will feed on what has remained after the he has finished eating. They have a gestation period of 97 days and a life span of about 10-14 years.

Wildebeest; The wildebeests are members of the antelope group and belong to the connochaetes genus. In east Africa they are 2 closely related wildebeests and that is the blue wildebeest and the black wildebeest but the blue wildebeest is the most common one in the Serengeti plains. These two species can be identified basing on few things like their coat colors and also on the nature of their horns, the blue wildebeest horns protrude to the side then curve downward before curving upwards as they come to an end, the horns of black wildebeests on the other hand curve forward first then downwards and finally upwards as they come to their tips. The blue wildebeests also bigger than the black wildebeests, the male blue wildebeests weigh about 250kg with a standing height of 150cm, female blue wildebeest stand at 135cm at the shoulders and weigh around 180kg while the male black wildebeest stand between 112-120cm at shoulder height and weigh 180kg and their female counterparts stand in at 108cm at the shoulders with a body weight of 155kg. these wildebeests are famous for their annual migration that takes place from June- august. This migration involves these animals to trek great distances about 1500 of kilometers as they cross from the southern Serengeti plains into the southern parts of the Maasai Mara reserve in southern in Kenya. This migration is majorly done following the rainfall season patterns in the east African region. During these migrations, the wildebeest organize themselves in large herds and trek in this group to areas of new pastures. These animals also show a high level of swarm intelligence as they perform similar function without anyone or anything dictating it to them for example, they can all decide to cross the river from the same spot regardless of whether it is infested with many predators like crocodiles or not.

97 days and a life span of about 10-14 years.

Nile crocodiles; Selous Game Reserve has a big population of these enormous reptiles plying the water of the river Rufiji. The Nile crocodile is one of the biggest reptiles in the world.  These reptiles have a dark bronze color on the upper body part while the under part is of dingy yellow. The crocodile’s body is armored with hard scales to deter bacterial infections and also as a defensive mechanism. The crocodiles in Africa have varying sizes depending on their location but on average the male crocodile is 3.5-5m or 11.5-16.4ft long and weighs in at 225-750kg or 550-1650Ib but the females are 30% less than their male companions in size. The crocodiles have an elongated mouth which is armed with 64-68 teeth, where by the upper jaw has about 26 or 28 teeth and the lower jaw has 28 or 30 of them and 5 teeth on the front view of the upper jaw. Most the teeth in a crocodile’s mouth are canines designed to bite and hold tight their prey. The Nile crocodiles are formidable hunters who will stay still just below the water surface as they stalk their prey waiting for the best opportunity to strike at the unsuspecting prey. These reptiles can feed on various prey from mammals as big as buffaloes which can be almost half their body size to small antelopes. When a crocodiles captures its prey, it will first drag into the deep water and drown the prey then it holds it and perform what is known as a death roll in which the crocodile turns its body 360o while holding still its prey so as it can tear it into chunks that it swallows full since its teeth are not designed for chewing. After eating to their fill, Nile crocodiles can spend over a month without eating again especially when food is scarce, this is possible because these crocodiles store a lot of fats in their tails after eating and they have the ability to slow down their metabolism process. These reptiles lay eggs and the females burry them and guard them from predators like snakes and eagles. The crocodiles are social animals that can share a kill or even a basking spot. They have a life span of between 75-100 years.

Hippopotami; Hippos in Selous Game Reserve can be found harboring in the waters of river Rufiji and also in the lakes found in the game reserve. Hippos are large animals only behind the African elephant that can weigh anywhere between 1300-1500kg or 2870-3310ib for both sexes. The hippos are semi aquatic as they both live on land and in water. Hippos are herbivores animals can come on land in the evening to graze, they can be easily identified basing on barrel shaped body, short legs and long muzzles or mouths, their body is hairless with a purplish gray to blue black color which is also thick about 2in or 6cm. due to lack of body hairs, hippos secret an element that is reddish orange to brown to act as a protective layer both from the scotching sun and bacterial infection. This phenomenon is referred to as “blood sweating” hippos have a very powerful jaw which can open as wide as 180o and its filled with monstrous teeth with their incisors growing up to 40cm or 1ft4in and canines growing up to 50cm or 1ft8in. despite their short legs and big sizes hippos can burst to 30km/hr in short distances. Hippos are highly territorial while in water but not on land, they have a gestation period of 243days and can live up to 40-50 years.

African wild dog; An African wild dog is also called the painted hunting dog or painted wolf or African hunting dog. The African wild dog belongs to the canids group and it is the largest member of this group in Africa has been named as part of Africa’s big 7 game due to their super predatory instincts. African wild dogs are animals that are highly social animals and they live in groups. The wild dogs are the heaviest of the African canids group animals, they have a coat that has bristle hairs with no underfur, their coat is predominantly black with small yellow and white patches. The African dogs have a black muzzle that turns brown on the cheeks, they have a white color pattern on their fore region of the legs. The tail is white at the tip, black in the middle and brown at the base. These African dogs have a shoulder height of 60-75cm or 24-30in, a body length of 71-112cm or 28-44in and a tail that measures 29-41cm or 11-16in. these dogs have an average body weight of 20-25kg or 44-55ib but these dogs exhibit sexual dimorphism were the females are slightly smaller than their male counter parts 3-7%. The African dogs are highly social animals that live and hunt in packs that ranges from 4-30 individuals. Both male and female wild dog have separate social dominance hierarchies.  The male hierarchy is usually led by the oldest male but it may also be overthrown by younger males. Unlike in other mammal species where the males leave the natal group after attaining sexual maturity, amongst the wild dogs, it’s the other way round as the females are the ones which leave the natal group after attaining sexual maturity and will at times chase away the other females they find in the new groups they have joined. The wild dogs are carnivores and entirely feed on flesh. These dogs are formidable super athletes which can run a marathon as they have the stamina to chase their prey at a constant speed of about 66 km per hour or 41miles/hour for over 10-60minutes which always tires out the prey hence being caught after a chase for about 2km. The wild dogs exhibit a rare character after catching their prey, where they might not kill it before eating it but rather start eating it while it’s still alive until the prey succumbs to its injuries inflicted by these dogs. These dogs surprisingly have a higher kill rate success compared to formidable hunters such as lions and leopards. These dogs can hunt from small antelopes to larger ones like wildebeests. Small prey takes wild dogs a short time to kill normally 3-5 minutes as they use a strategy of blocking their escape routes before ambushing them, large prey is hunted by these dogs by creating panic to the group or herd of prey they then isolate one individual prey and chase it until it gets tired. Wild dogs have a gestation period of about 69-73days after which they can give birth to a litter of 6-12 puppies. Since they give birth to so many puppies which makes feeding them by the group difficult, it’s only the dominant females in a group that have to give birth hence when other females in a group give birth, the dominant female is likely to kill their puppies. The puppies will join the hunting party when aged 8-10 weeks old.

Zebras; Zebras are black and white striped pattern animals that belong to the equine tribe which they share with their close cousins the horses and donkeys. Each of these zebras has a unique pattern of stripes that is used to identify it alone just like finger prints do in humans. Originally, it was believed that zebras were white animals that had developed black stripes due to presence of white underbellies but this was disproved by further research on the animals as it was revealed that these animals were rather black originally and the white stripes came in later on. Various theories have been forwarded to explain the occurrence of stripes in these animals and the most common theories state that the stripes are a defensive mechanism that zebras use to elude their predators like lions but this theory has been highly contested as it’s known that the lions eye sight is poor especially during day from long distances hence they highly rely on their hearing and smell senses during daytime zebra hunting missions. The other theory believes that zebras use these stripes to protect itself from horseflies and tsetse flies by creating a blurred vision. Zebras have a shoulder length of 1.2-1.3m or 47-51in and the body length of zebras ranges between 2-2.6m or 6.6-8.5ft. Their average weight is 350kg or 770Ib and they have sexual dimorphism as males are usually larger than females. Zebras have a gestation period of about 13 months with a 20-30year lifespan.

Birds in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania

White fronted bee-eater; These birds have a white fore head, a black face mask, a red patch on their throat, the upper body parts are green while the underparts are cinnamon, they have a black slender bill and also their square tail has its underside coloured in black. These birds have a body length of 23cm and weigh between 28-38g. They make a voice call of “nyaah” or “gauu” using their nasal. Their det mainly consists of beetles, bugs, flies, dragon flies moths butterflies and grasshoppers.

Thick billed cuckoo; The thick billed cuckoo when adult has a uniform slate grey above, its lores are white as well as its under parts, this bird has a narrow eye ring which is bare with a yellow color, its bill is of a grey color while its legs are yellow. The tail of this bird is bared brown and black. It has a body weight of 115g with a body length of 36cm. it makes a loud whistled “wheee-wheee-wheep” sound. This bird feeds on insects hairy catepillars, marula worms and grasshoppers.

African skimmer; African skimmers have an average body length of 38cm or 15in and their upper parts are of a black color with their wings, hind neck crown all black while the forehead and the under parts all being white. The beaks of the African skimmers are long in a bright orange color with a yellow tip. Their legs are of a bright red color and they have a short forked tail which is white. These birds make a voice call with a sharp “kip-kip” sound.

Black winged stilt; This bird has a white head, chest and under parts while its upper parts are black as well as its wings and tail. It has small dark eyes and a black long thin bill. Its legs are tall and colored in pink. This bird has an average body length of 33-36cm or 13-14in. The back winged stilt juveniles have a grey instead of a black upper part with a sandy hue on their wings and light feather fringes that appear as a whitish line in flight.

Broad billed roller; The broad billed roller has its head and upper parts in cinnamon rufous colors its rump and upper tail coverts are coloured blue, the wings are colored in a dark purple blue color, the under tail has a white color. This bird has a body length of 27-29cm with males weighing 94-166g while females weigh 84-149g hence exhibiting a sexual dimorphism. The voice call of these birds consists of 4-6 gutural nasal snarling notes over a period of 3-4 seconds. Their diet majorly consists of insects like termites, beetles and grasshoppers, cockroaches, bees and wasps.

Brown necked parrot; The brown necked parrot has a pale grey head and neck, its mantle has a greyer markings. The wing coverts and the upper body parts are a dark green color while the underparts are a light green color. It has a short and stocky beak. This bird feeds on seeds, nuts, berries and nectar.

African wattled lapwing; The African wattled lapwing is also known as the Senegal wattled plover. These birds are unmistakable as they are large, brown with a black crown, their foreheads are white with yellow wattles on their faces, they have short white tails with a black tip. The legs are long and colored yellow. These birds display a variation in colors as the upper wings have black flight feathers and brown coverts and are separated by a white bar while the underwings are white with black flight feathers. This bird has a loud peep- peep call.

Activities in Selous Game Reserve

With its glaring and glorious wildlife bio diversity, Selous Game Reserve is a pristine destination for African wilderness safari activities like game drives, launch trips birding and nature walks.

Game drives; Game drives in Selous Game Reserve are done following the Rufiji river as it has the biggest concentration of wild mammals such as the African elephants, lions, giraffes, plain zebras, east African wild dogs, Nile crocodiles, hippopotamus.

Launch trips; Launch trips are done on the Rufiji river. The Rufiji river connects 5 different lakes as it embarks on its journey to the Indian coast. During the rainy season, river Rufiji has a high water level and this makes it navigable by boat hence making it a haven for launch trips. During the dry season, the launch trips are done on any of the five lakes that are directly fed by numerous branches of the Rufiji river. This launch trip gives a unique perspective of doing game viewing as numerous wild game flock to these assortment of water bodies and channels to take a sip of life. The waters of these channels are a birders paradise as they are home to numerous bird species that are found in Selous game reserve.

Birding; Birding in Selous Game Reserve should be on top of any birder’s bucket list as this wilderness is home to over 440 bird species such as African spoonbill, white fronted bee-eater, pel’s fishing owl, African wattled lapwing, African skimmer, black winged stilt, broad billed roller, brown necked parrot, brown headed parrot, palm nut vulture, pearl spotted owlet, yellow billed stork, thick billed cuckoo. These and many more await you on a birding excursion in Selous game reserve.

Nature walks; Nature walks in Selous game reserve offer you another option of exploring this magical place as you view it from a close-range point of view and this enables you to get up close and personal with the Selous wilderness in a way that would have be difficult if you were in a 4×4 wheeler safari van.

How to get to Selous Game Reserve Tanzania

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Accessing Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania

Selous Game Reserve can be accessed by both road and air transport means

Road transport

A road trip to Selous Game Reserve is tricky but possible as it will take you over 10 hours to drive from Dar es salaam to the Selous Game Reserve. If you take on this a bit challenging but spectacular drive as you will have a lot of wild Tanzania to feed your eyes with, get comfortable with the African massage feeling as the biggest part of the journey will be done on bumpy dirt roads.

Air transport

This is the most convenient way to travel to Selous game reserve as there are many ways to do it as its quite short as flights can take between 2.5 hours to 3-4 hours depending on the point you are starting your flight from. Domestic flight companies have scheduled flights from Dar es salaam and Arusha destined to Ruaha national park and Selous game reserve and as of late coastal aviation has introduced scheduled flights from Serengeti to Selous Game Reserve without a stopover in Arusha hence making it easy to connect from a northern circuit safari trip to a southern safari trip without much of a hustle. Most of the global airlines have scheduled flights to Tanzania and when you have decided to come to Tanzania your entry point is likely to be either Kilimanjaro international airport which lies about 46km or 26miles outside Arusha town or Julius Nyerere international airport just a few kilometers outside Dar es salaam. Some of the international airlines with flights to Tanzania include the following.

Brussels airlines Fly emirates                British airways

Ethiopian airways                        RwandAir

Turkish airways                        Condor

KLM Airlines                                                          Kenya airways Qatar arways

Fly emirates                            British airways

Ethiopian airways                        RwandAir

Turkish airways


Best time to visit Selous Game Reserve Tanzania 

The best time to visit Selous game reserve id during the dry months of June- October as their dirt roads are easily navigable.

Accommodations in Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania

serena mivumo river lodge; selous game reserve. 13 guestrooms that come in double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathrooms, plunge pools, private patios, bath tubs and air conditioners. restaurant, lounge area, out door swimming pool, free wi-fii, laundry service, spa tub, satellite tv channels. price range is 1000$

selous serena camp; selous game reserve in a rural location. 12 guest rooms that come n double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with private bath rooms, plunge pools, private terraces and bathtubs. restaurant, lounge area, out door swimming pool, free wi-fii, laundry services, spa tub, satellite tv channels.

selous river camp; selous game reserve is about 741minute drive. 13 guestrooms that come in double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come private bathrooms. restaurant, lounge area, free wi-fii laundry services, free toiletries

kituri selous camps; selous game reserve. 2 guestrooms that come in double occupancy. both come with a private bathroom. restaurant, lounge area, free wi-fii laundry services, free toiletries. price range 119-153$

selous butembo tented lodge lotus; selous game reserve. 7 tent rooms that come in double occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathrooms, balconies coffee makers and bottled water. restaurant, lounge area, free wi-fii laundry services, free toiletries. price ranges around 110$

selous kinga lodge; selous game reserve. 10 rooms that come in double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathrooms, private terraces and mini bars and coffee makers. restaurant, lounge area, out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, laundry services, satellite tv channels. price ranges around 248$ for a double room

selous adili forest camp; selous game reserve. 21 guestrooms and camping tents that come in double and family occupancy. all rooms come with private bathrooms and free wi-fii. restaurant, lounge area, free wi-fii laundry services, picnic area, gift shops free airport pick up, free toiletries. price ranges around 32-168$

Tanzania Safari Holiday Tours, Tanzania Wildlife Safari Vacation, Wildlife Safari in Tanzania-Tanzania Safari tours

Tanzania safari: Interested in wildlife safari to Tanzania? The Tanzania safari hub is noted to have amazing wildlife in Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire, Arusha and Lake Manyara wildlife safari parks. Tanzania safaris take you is the largest country in East African community, 13th and 31st on the African continent and global scale respectively covering 947,303km2 featuring a coastline of 800km2.

We arrange the best Tanzania safari tours at the affordable Tanzania safari prices. We cusomise, your tour based on your Tanzania safari budget as witnessed by many of our Tanzania safari Tripadvisor satisfied clients. Enjoy a cheap Tanzania safari to Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha National Park, Gombe National Park, Katavi National Park, Lake Manyara NP, Mahale Mountains NP, Mikumi National Park, Mkomazi National Park, Ruaha National Park, Ruaha National Park, Saadani National Park, Selous Game Reserve, Selous Game Reserve as well as to all popular Tanzania Wildlife safari national game reserves.

The geography of Tanzania is indeed amazing. The country features two extreme points on the African Continent including Africa’s highest point / altitude on Kilimanjaro Mountain 5,895m and the Africa’s lowest point in Lake Tanganyika 352m below sea level.

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