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Arusha National Park Tanzania

Arusha National Park is located in Tanzania which is located in the eastern region of the African continent along geographical co-ordinates of 03o15’S 36o50E. Arusha national park is found in the northern region of Tanzania and is bordered by river Jekukumia, south east of Ngurdoto crater are grassland while in the north east lie the shallow alkaline Momella lakes that are home to a variety of wading water birds. Mt. Kilimanjaro lies in the north east only 60km from Arusha National Park. Arusha National Park is found in the 300km axis Tanzanian northern safari circuit. Arusha National Park was created in 1960 and spans over a stretch of land of 137sqkm.

Arusha National Park is home to the mount Meru which is Tanzania’s 2nd highest mountain at 4562.13m or14968ft above sea level after mount Kilimanjaro. Arusha National Park has a varied land scape and vegetation cover which include montane forests, grasslands in the southeast, mountain Meru craters in the west and river Jekukumia hence creating a perfect home to a wide variety of wildlife that ranges from wild animals like Masai giraffe, African elephant, plain zebras, cape buffaloes, warthogs, lions, blue monkeys, black and white colobus, flamingo, African leopards though rare. 400 Bird species and these here include the Narina trogon, greater and lesser flamingos, bar tailed tragon, augur buzzard, cinnamon chested bee eater, hartlaub’s turaco, Egyptian goose, African olive pigeon, African fish eagle, silvery horn bill, southern pochard, tawny eagle, verreaux’s eagle, hadeda ibis.

Arusha National Park experiences a typical tropical savanna climate that is characterized by 2 wet seasons that come in the months of march- may with the longer rains with temperatures ranging between a minimum of 12oC or 54oF usually at night to a maximum of 21oC or 70oF- 26oC or 79oF day time. The 2nd rain season comes with shorter rains and experiences similar temperatures like those of the longer rain season. The dry months are between January- late February or early march and also between June- September and during this time temperatures range from a minimum of 10oc or 50of normally at night and a maximum of 22oC or 72oF-26oC or 79oF during daytime with sunny and clear skies.

Attractions in Arusha National Park in Tanzania

Arusha National Park hosts a wide variety of wildlife that ranges from wild animals like masai giraffe, African elephant, plain zebras, cape buffaloes, warthogs, lions, blue monkeys, black and white colobus, flamingo, African leopards though rare. 400 Bird species and these here include the narina trogon, greater and lesser flamingos, bar tailed tragon, augur buzzard, cinnamon chested bee eater, hartlaub’s turaco, Egyptian goose, African olive pigeon, African fish eagle, silvery horn bill, southern pochard, tawny eagle, verreaux’s eagle, hadeda ibis.

African bush elephants; African elephants are the largest land mammals in the world with a male elephant weighing in at 4,700-6,048kg or 10,362-13,334Ib and a shoulder height of 3.2-4.0m or 10.5-13.1ft while their female counterparts weigh in at 2,160-3,232kg or 4,762-7,125Ib and a shoulder height of 2.2-2.6m or 7.2-8.5ft. These land giants have 24 teeth in their mouths and usually lose their teeth 4-6 times in their life time which lies between 60-70 years. What sets these land giants apart from the rest of crowd is their elongated tusks which are in fact their second set of incisors. This means that the tusks are very strong as they are used to up root trees and also as weapons they use while fighting. The tusks weigh between 23-45 kg or 55-99Ib with a length of 1.5-2.4m or 5-8 ft. elephants usually live in groups called families which comprise of 10 or more closely related females with their calves and each of these families is led by an older female called a matriarch. Elephants have the ability to distinguish and communicate with each other using low frequency infrasonic calls.  With a body mass that is compared to nothing else on land, African elephants have to feed on an average of 450 kg or 992Ib of foliage to sustain their huge bodies and also drink to over 50 liters of water per day. In fact, these elephants have the ability to smell water to up to 20 km or 12miles away. Elephants have an exposed skin so in order to control over heating of their body, they flap their big ears so as to carry away the heat or bathe in water ponds. It is believed that when an elephant flaps its ears, it can lose about 10oF of heat hence always staying cool even in the hottest temperatures. They also employ their elongated trunk to carry water and pour it over their ears to try and cool themselves. These land giants have very thin hairs around body parts such as eyes and noses and these are mainly for ensuring that germs and other bacteria don’t find it easy to enter the elephants body through these parts. The elephant trunk is a master piece of creation as it is equipped with 40000 muscles which is way more than an entire human body has at only 639 muscles. This makes the trunks a very strong and agile part of the elephant that can do many things. The elephant trunk is also used for breathing, snorkeling and also as an extended arm for holding, lifting or pushing anything they want to carry.  A female elephant reaches sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 years and can reproduce after every 3-6 years throughout its lifetime. All elephants have a very poor metabolism and that’s why they eat a lot of food but ¾ of it will come out of the elephants undigested as dung. Due to the poor metabolic system, elephant calves have been recorded doing something bizarre and that is eating dung that has been passed out by their mothers but this is all because elephant calves can’t process raw grass hence have they have to resort to eating pre-processed food that has been passed out as dung. They have a gestation period of up to 22 months being the longest in all land mammals. Just like humans and apes, elephants are also highly intelligent species with a brain that weighs about 5kg or 11Ib which about 4 times heavier than that of human making it the heaviest brain of any land mammal. With such a brain, these land giants are believed to exhibit character traits like grief, learning, sense of humor, compassion, self-awareness, a very strong and vivid memory, play and use of tools and possibly a language.

Cape buffalo; The cape buffalo is also referred to as the African buffalo and they are a very common sight throughout this park. It is usually mistaken to be a close relative to domesticated cattle but its rather related to actually other bigger bovines. Buffaloes have a coarse black coat unlike their close relatives the forest buffaloes which have a reddish coat. As the male buffaloes grow older, the bases of their horns grows closer and it can even unite forming a feature called a “boss” which is very had to penetrate even with a gun bullet of less 16mm. you can differentiate a male buffalo from a female one by observing the structure of their horns, the male buffalo horns grow while curving outwards while the ones of the female grow while curving inside. The African buffalo is a big animal with a shoulder height of 1.0-1.7m or 3.3-5.6ft. it has a body length of 1.7-3.4m or 5.6-11.2ft and its tail has a length of 70-110cm or 28-43in. An adult male African buffalo can weigh as much as between 500-1000kg but the females usually weigh less than this. Cape buffaloes are usually found in the great plains of African savanna like Murchison falls park. Buffaloes usually stay in large herds that consist anywhere from 5-100 individuals and this is primarily for protection purposes from their predators. Although buffaloes have a very poor eye sight, this is compensated by possessing an acute sense of smell coupled with a keen sense of hearing, in fact, the buffaloes can stop whatever they are doing and stand still for many minutes or sometimes even hours just to listen even to the tiniest of sounds that may be made by any predator that may be stalking them. when buffaloes are attacked, the male buffaloes form defensive wall by being at the flanks of the herd while the females and calves are within the inner part of the herd.  the male buffaloes can even sometimes turn and chase the attacking predators They have a gestation period of 11.5 months and a life span of over 25 years in their natural habitats.

Masai giraffe; Masai giraffe can be distinguished from other giraffe sub species from their star-like stamped patches which are irregular and become darker especially in males as they age. The Masai giraffe is generally brown in colour with several shades of colour which can range from dried oak to orange and cream. The lower parts of their limbs are sticky like or very skinny but the upper parts of these limbs are study so as to support their massive weight. The giraffes have a unique walking pattern where as they have the ability to move both the front and hind limbs of one side of the body at once and then counter balance it by moving their long neck in the opposite direction. The adult male giraffe has an average height of 4.3-5.7m or 14.1-18.7ft and weighs in at 1192kg or 2628ib while an adult female weighs in at 828kg or 1825ib hence showing sexual dimorphism amongst giraffes. The giraffe also has a long tongue that is measured at an average of 45cm or 18in and it has a purplish black color which is believed to protect it from sunburns. The massai giraffes have the longest tail among all land mammals which measures up to 3.3ft long. Due to their big body mass giraffes also have a massive heart that weighs up to 5ibs so as to pump 60 litres of blood needed to move around the giraffe’s body in just one minute.  Giraffes also have the ability to sleep while standing and even when they lie down, they will put their long neck on their hip. The Masai giraffe are completely herbivores and spend their biggest part of the day about 16-20 hours feeding so as to satisfy their big appetites. The giraffe has a gestation period of 14-15 months and the birth period is between 1-6 hours after which a single calf is born and the mother will give birth while standing hence the calf will have to be ready for a rough landing when it comes out. The calves are born almost ready to walk because it takes a calf between 20 minutes – 1 hour to start walking. Masai giraffes have a life span of up to 25 years in their natural habitat.

Leopards; Leopards are some of the big cat family predators that roam the plains of queen Elizabeth national park and they are at the top of the food chain together. Leopards are usually taken to be the same with cheetahs but they are completely different as cheetahs have tear marks on their faces small round spots while leopards have no this distinctive mark on their faces and have larger rosettes on their body. The skin color of leopards’ ranges from pale yellow to golden or yellowish brown with rosettes and this enables these super predators to camouflage so that they can stalk their prey without ever being noticed. Male leopards are muscular with short limbs and a broad head, the males have an average shoulder height of 60-70cm or 24-28in and weigh in at 37-90kg while the females have an average shoulder height of57-64cm or 22-25in and weigh in between26-60kg. the cheetah has a very long tail that’s white tipped with a length of 60-100cm or 24-39in and this enables the leopards make quick sharp turns at high speed while on a chase. Leopards can sometimes have black color and this is caused by melanism which is a recessive gene in these animals and when a leopard is having this phenomenon, it turns from being called a leopard to a black panther. Leopards are usually solitary animals and they have a gestation period of 90-105 days and can live in their natural habitat for 12-17 years.

Lions; These can be frequently sighted in Serengeti National Park. Lions are part of the big cate family and are muscular, deep chested with rounded heads. Most of the African lion males can distinguished from their females by the presence of a mane around the necks and heads of male African lions which is clearly absent in females but there quite many cases in Africa where the males also don’t have a mane or have a very short and thin one. The male lions are usually bigger than the females but their sizes vary according to location. In east Africa, adult female lions have a body length of 160-184cm or 63-72in weighing in at 119.5kg or 263Ib on average while the adult males have a body length of 184-208cm or 72-82in weighing in at 174.9kg or 386Ib on average. Lions are social animals who live in groups called prides. A pride is always led by a dominant male and their highly territorial animals controlling vast expanses that are strategic with a lot of prey and water. Male dominant lions are responsible for protecting the pride and they will fight off other male invaders, in case the dominant male is defeated by the invading lions, the victor lions will kill off all the cubs that are off springs to the defeated dominant male as a way of ending its blood lineage.  Lions are carnivores and are at the top of the food chain feeding on almost all browsers and grazers within their domain due to their ability to hunt as a pride and carry out well coordinated and planned attacks which enables them to take down prey that can even be between 2-4 times bigger than them such as zebras, elephants and buffaloes. Lions usually hunt at night because of their well-developed sense of sight especially at night where their vision is almost 6 times better than that of humans due to the presence of white patches around their eyes which enable them to absorb even the smallest amount of light available during the cover of darkness. Hunting among lions is an affair carried out by female lions mostly and juvenile males and when a kill has been made by the lionesses in a pride, it’s always the dominant male lion who will eat first up to his fill then the rest of the pride will feed on what has remained after the he has finished eating. They have a gestation period of 97 days and a life span of about 10-14 years.

Black and white colobus monkeys; These monkeys have a black color with a strip of white color on the side of their body, limbs and around their face and also at their tail ending, these strips are called mantle, these monkeys live in groups of 5-15 members led by a male, their weight ranges between 4-14 kg, they have a body length of up to 75 cm or 30 inches. The black and white colobus are herbivores primates and they have a gestation period of 4-6 months.

Blue monkey; Unlike what its name suggests, the blue monkey isn’t entirely blue but rather it has little hairs on its face with a bluish color and these led to naming this monkey species blue monkey. The blue monkey in actual sense is mainly grey or olive but its face is dark with a pale or yellowish patch on the forehead. Its feet, front legs and cap are blackish while its mantle may be brown, olive or grey. The blue monkey as a body length of between 50-65cm with the tail included and an adult male weighs about 8kg while an adult female weighs about 4kg hence exhibiting sexual dimorphism. these monkeys live in groups of 10-40 individuals and the females will stay in their natal groups throughout their lifetime while males live their parent group when they mature. The family is usually led by an adult female and its consists of many other females, babies and juveniles and one adult male. These monkeys practice allomothering with many females monkeys usually juveniles looking after the babies.  Their gestation period is about 5 months while their diet consists of mainly fruits during periods of abundance but they can also feed on flowers twigs and insects, figs and leaves.

Birds in Arusha National Park in Tanzania

Arusha national park has over 400 bird species which include include the narina trogon, greater and lesser flamingos, bar tailed tragon, augur buzzard, cinnamon chested bee eater, hartlaub’s turaco, Egyptian goose, African olive pigeon, African fish eagle, silvery horn bill, southern pochard, tawny eagle, verreaux’s eagle, hadeda ibis.

Cinnamon chested bee-eater; This bird has a body length 22cm or 8.7in with a body weight of 17-38g or 0.6-1.34oz. these birds have a bright green head, back and tail. The throat has a black outline or collar and a cinnamon brown chest, when these birds perch, they exhibit a blackish inner tail orange base and white tip. They make a tseep tseep sound call. This bird habituates in a mountain region near the forest edges.

Bar tailed trogon; This bird species has its bill and feet in yellow colour, its tail is long and broad, the underbelly is usually narrow and barred with black and white. The bar tailed trogon have orange or yellow bare skin patches below the eyes but the upper eye skin patch is either is yellow or grey. This bird has an iridescent upper breast that is coloured from violet to blue green. Its plumage on the back is green while the upper tail is blue- black or purple black. The female species is brown on the head with less bare skin, its throat and breast area is of a light cinnamon. Its body length is about 28cm or 11in. this bird makes a voice call of yelping crescendo with yaow, yow, yow, yow… or wuk, wuk, wuk, wuk….sound

African olive pigeon; This species of pigeons has its wings and back in a moron color with its shoulders being heavily speckled with white spots and this color pattern is still the same with its under parts, its head is rather brown with yellow patches around the eyes with a yellow bill and feet. Its neck plumage is maroon white while its under wings and under tail are darker grey. The female olive pigeon is similar to the males only that they seem to be with duller coloration while the juveniles are mostly dark brown. The mature birds have a body length of 32-42cm or 15-17in with an average body weight 300-450g or 11-16oz. they make a loud coo-coo sound call. These birds habituate in relatively high altitude at 1400m. the birds make an est about 15m high in a tree and their nests are usually made of small sticks in which they lay one white egg that is incubated for 17-20 days. They feed mostly on fruits and berries.

Tawny eagle; This is a bird of prey which straddles the plains of Africa both north and south of the Sahara dessert. Just like its name suggests, it has a tawny color on its upper plumage and black flight feathers and tail while its lower back area is paler. This eagle has a yellow beak that has a strong black hooked tip that is very useful is dismembering its prey. The tawny eagle has an acute sense of sight and can look on its prey while very far in the sky, its sense of hearing is equally well developed hence it will hear even the tinniest sounds of its prey and lock in on its location in no time. The feet of these birds are well equipped with harp talons that are specifically designed to hold tight its victims or you can refer to them as their lunch time or dinner snack. This bird has a body length of 65-72cm 25.6-28.4in, a wingspan of about 1.72-1.8cm or 5.64-6.1in. its body weight ranges around 1.6-2.4kg and have a reversed sexual dimorphism with females being larger than males. Being largely carnivores’ birds, they feed on fresh. The tawny eagles are formidable hunters making kills of small animals like rabbits, other birds, reptiles like lizards, snakes. After spotting a potential prey, this eagle will make a quick and surprising dive from its perch and grab its next meal using its strong talons. Female tawny eagles lay between 1-3 eggs which are incubated for about 39-45 days and the this can be done by both the male and female breeders, their hatchling are fed mainly by the male parent and will become independent after about 3 months, these become sexually mature at about 3-4 years and have a life span of about 16 years in their natural habitat.

Silvery cheeked hornbill; This bird has a body 75-80cm or 30-31in, their casquered bill is cream in colour, the head of this bird has silver grey feathers while the rest of the plumage is mainly of iridescent. The lower back rump thighs and outer tail feathers are coloured in white. These birds lay about 4 eggs on average which they incubate 40days.

Hartlaub turaco; This bird has a body length of 43cm and the male species weighs in at 210-270g while the female is slightly smaller weighing 195-275g. an adult hartlaub’s turaco has a rounded forehead with a bushy crest and a glossy blu black nape and a prominent white patch infront of the eye. Male species have a voice call that consists of a series of c.12 loud throaty “kwa” sound and this voice call is usually made in the morning. This bird mainly feeds on fruits berries from chaetacme, elaeodendron and trema tree species.

Lesser flamingo; The lesser flamingo is the smallest of the flamingo. This species is almost identical to the greater flamingo but the only difference will come at the extended black coloration on the bill of the lesser flamingo. The lesser flamingo has a body weight of 1.2-2.7 kg or 2.6-6.0ib and a body height of 80-90cm or 30-35in. both its wing span and body length are almost similar ranging between 90-105cm or 35-41in. their plumage is mostly a pinkish white coloration. These flamingos feed on spirulina algae that grows on alkaline water but they also fall prey to a number of animals such as marabou stocks baboons, African fish eagles, wild cats and African golden wolves.

Narina trogon; The Narina trogon’s was named in commemoration of the wife of a French ornithologist called Le Vaillant who derived the name Narina  from a khoikhoi word as he couldn’t easily pronounce his wife’s given name. back to the bird tself, it has a body length of 32-34cm, the Narina birds exhibit sexual dimorphism with males having more colors than a female that only has soft brown and dull red colors. The males make a repeated low-pitched hoot during courtship. The diet of these birds consists of insects, rodents and reptiles.

Augur buzzard; The augur buzzard is another one of those birds you can easily recognize if you are a keen observer given its almost black brown upper parts with a rufous tail that contrasts with the upper parts. It also has white primary feathers while its secondary feathers are off-white. Its chin and throat area is white while the rest of the under parts is of a rich rufous colour. The juveniles of the augur buzzard are mainly brown with both the underparts and tail being of a rufous colour. adult augur buzzards have a body length of 48-60cm or 19-29in and wingspan of 120-149cm or 3ft11in-4ft11in. males weigh around 880-1160g or 1.94-2.56ib while females weigh more than the males at around 1100-1330g or 2.43-2.93bs. This therefore means that these birds have a reversed sexual dimorphism. The augur buzzard is a predatory bird with an incredible hunting ability given its very sharp eye sight and toughened and sharp claws. The augur buzzard can stalk its prey from perches from which it launches a still attack the unsuspecting prey when it least expects it, the augur buzzard can also launch an attack from midflight while hovering or soaring at great heights. This bird mainly feeds on small mammals, reptiles like snakes and lizards. These birds make a voice call with a crow like sound of a kow-a kow-a kow or a aug-a aug- a aug

Hadeda ibis; This bird has a narrow white roughly horizontal stripe across their cheeks, which can also be called a moustache though it doesn’t reach the mouth area, it has a large gray blackish plumage with its wing plumage having an iridescent purple sheen, its legs are of a blackish color while its bill is between gray to black. Both the male and female look similar. They make a loud distinctive haa-haah- haah-de-dah sound call that actually got the it named hadeda ibis. This bird has a body length of about 76cm. these birds are social and roost in large groups on trees. They feed on millipedes, earthworms, and also large eats such as parktown prawns, small lizards and spiders. These birds are monogamous breeders where the female lays a clutch of 3-4eggs that is incubated for about 26 days. This bird can easily b sighted in city suburbs of any African cities and this is mainly attributed to its tolerance to human closure to them as they the ability to gage the direction of human gaze and also the speed at which someone is approaching them with hence deciding whether to flee or stay around.

Egyptian goose; The Egyptian goose is also referred to as the nil goose given its place of origin which is the nile valley in Egypt. This bird is a good swimmer and when its takes to the skies, its looks heavy more like a goose than a duck. This bird is very distinct given its conspicuous chocolate brown eye patch. It has a grayish white underpart with a pink bill and feet. Its upper part is largely brown, its wing coverts are brown and these hide white feathers on the wings that can be visible when the bird spreads its wings in flight or aggression. This bird has a wing span of about 134-154cm weighing between 1-4 kg and a body length of 63-73cm. the male Egyptian goose makes a noisy courtship display which includes honking and feather display while the female makes an even louder raucous quack. These are plaintain eaters that eat grasses, stems, leaves and seeds but sometimes will supplemet its diet with earthworms and insects.

Greater flamingo; The greater flamingo has a plumage which is a white pink plumage with red wing coverts and black primary and secondary flight feathers. Their bills are mainly pink with a black strip at the tip and all pink legs. The juveniles are mainly grey with black legs. The adult greater flamingo has a body height of 110-150cm or 43-59in and weigh between 2-4kg or 4.4-8.8ib. these birds are usually found in flood plains with salt water from which they suck in water using their bills but a lot feed on shrimps, blue algae and seeds. In captivity, the flamingos in captivity can have a life span of over 50 years.

Activities in Arusha national park in Tanzania

Endowed with an assortment of attractions, Arusha national park is home to a variety of activities that range from game drives, mountain hiking, nature walks, birding, biking, canoeing

Game drives; Regardless of its small size in comparison to other Tanzanian national parks in the northern circuit, Arusha national park offers an amazing game drive experience as its richly endowed with an array of attractions such as masai giraffe, African elephant, plain zebras, cape buffaloes, warthogs, lions, blue monkeys, black and white colobus, flamingo, African leopards though rare which can easily be sighted as you go through the park on a game drive.

BirdingArusha National Park has over 400 bird species which include the narina trogon, greater and lesser flamingos, bar tailed tragon, augur buzzard, cinnamon chested bee eater, hartlaub’s turaco, Egyptian goose, African olive pigeon, African fish eagle, silvery horn bill, southern pochard, tawny eagle, verreaux’s eagle, hadeda ibis. All these and more await you on a birding experience while in Arusha national park.

Nature walksArusha National Park is home to a number of nature-walk trails such as

Ngurdoto crater. This trail leads you to the Ngurdoto crater that is largely occupied by swamps while here expect to see many of the African wild mammals like cape buffaloes, elephants, warthogs and baboons. Near the Ngurdoto crater is the Ngurdoto forest which habituates the black and white colobus monkeys which will put on a spectacular show for you as they swing from one tree branch to another other members here include the elusive leopards can be sighted when you are lucky to get glimpses of one, tree pythons are also slowly crawling the branches of trees in this forest. You can still make your way to the Ngurdoto museum which harbors a cool collection of a wide range of wildlife species that can be found within the Arusha National Park.

Tululusia hill. The trail takes you to the former look out point that was used during the earlier tribal wars. At the end of this trail expect to have jaw dropping views of the lower areas of the Arusha national park, mt. Meru and the stunning mt. Kilimanjaro will be just over the horizon waiting for you to reveal its impressive and majestic snowcapped peak to you.

Canoeing;  Still remember that Arusha has lakes? Yes it does have an impressive collection of lakes called the Momella lakes, many of these lakes are shallow and also alkaline but the one of these lakes called the small Momella lake is just deep enough to allow you enjoy a canoe ride while you spend some quality time in the Arusha national park, as you enjoy this tranquil ride on a canoe here look out for  variety of wading bird species such as the greater and lesser flamingos and a number of wild mammals that come to these lakes to have a drink such as the zebras, buffaloes, giraffes, dik diks and water bucks.

BikingArusha National Park offers a thrilling biking experience to the biking enthusiasts, biking in the park can be done in various routes such as Usa and Tengeru village. This route takes you through the farming villages on the peripherals of the Arusha city. Biking can be done inside the national park and when you opt for this thriller expect to biking experience to start from the rim of the rater to give unbelievably stunning views into the crater and the area around crater which are home to many wild mammals such as elephants, zebras, giraffes, buffaloes, birds and primates. You can still extend your biking experience to the lower slopes of the mt. meru. These biking experiences are packaged from a 2-hour tour, to half day and full day tours on a bike costing between 40-100$ per person per day.

Mountain hiking; Arusha national park is a host to mountain Meru, Tanzania’s 2nd highest at 4562.13m or14968ft above sea level and this makes it a perfect place to grab your hiking shoes and come here to do some mountain hiking. Reaching the summit of mount Meru will lead you on a hike of about 4-6days including return time.

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Accessing Arusha National Park in Tanzania

Arusha National Park can be accessed by both road and ai transport means

Road transport

Arusha National Park lie only a 45-minute drive from Arusha city hence making accessing this tiny tropical paradise as simple a having a cup of coffee. The road to the park for the greater part is well tarmacked hence expect a nice comfortable ride to the national park. Arusha National Park can also easily incorporated into the Tanzanian northern safari circuit drive as this drive normally begins from Arusha city.

Air transport

International flights in Tanzania are mostly received at Kilimanjaro international airport in Arusha and Julius Nyerere airport outside Dar es salaam. From any of these airports, you can a domestic flight to fly you to Arusha airport then make a road trip to the national park.

Sometimes you can decide to fly into Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta international airport then take a bus ride to Arusha and this is usually a cheaper option than flying into Kilimanjaro international airport. There are many buses that ply the Nairobi- Arusha route usually from 06:00/18:00hrs arriving at 12:00hrs or midnight depending on your departure time.

Accommodations/ Hotels/ Safari Lodges in Arusha National Park in Tanzania

]Kiboko lodge; Arusha city 85-minute drive to Arusha. numerous rooms that come in single double and family occupancy. all rooms have private bathrooms and free toiletries. restaurant, lounge area, free wii-fii, gardens, dry cleaning. prices ranges from 180-300$

Lake Duluti lodge; Arusha city 35-minute drive from Kilimanjaro golf club.19 guestrooms that come in double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathroom, fee toiletries, soaking tubs and flat screen tvs with satellite channels. restaurant, lounge area, out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar. price ranges from 360$ per night for 2 persons.

Moivaro coffee plantation lodge; Arusha city 19-minute drive to Arusha golf course. 40 guestrooms that come in double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathroom, fee toiletries, soaking tubs and flat screen tvs with satellite channels. lounge area, restaurant, out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, fire place, well stocked bar. price ranges around 230$ for two persons per night

Osiligilai Maasai lodge; located out of the city in a rural setting. all 19 rooms come that come in double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathroom, fee toiletries, sitting areas and private terrace. lounge area, restaurant  , out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, fire place, well stocked bar, airport shuttle. price ranges around 366-680$

Arumeru river lodge; Arusha city 40-minute drive to Arusha golf course. 29 guestrooms that come in a double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with a private bathroom, fee toiletries, sitting areas and private terrace. lounge area, restaurant, out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar. price ranges around 170$ for a double room

Kili villa; Arusha city about 55-minute drive to Arusha national park. numerous guestrooms that come in double and family guestrooms. all guestrooms come with private bathrooms sitting areas and the up scale rooms have private pools. lounge area, restaurant, out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar. price ranges between 187-325$.

Ngurdoto mountain lodge; Arusha city about 35-minute drive to Arusha national park. 384 guestrooms come with single double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with private bathrooms sitting areas and flat screen tvs with satellite channels. lounge area, restaurant, out door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar, airport shuttle, barbeque grill, picnic area, tennis court, dry cleaning, conference. price ranges around 167-1867$

karama lodge spa; Arusha city about 9-minute drive to Arusha golf course. 22 guestrooms come with single double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with private bathrooms private balcony and hair dryers. lounge area, restaurant  , out door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar, barbeque grill. pice ranges around 105-205$

Arusha safari lodge; Arusha city about 21-minute drive to Arusha golf course. 9 guestrooms come with single double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with private bathrooms private balcony and toiletries and ceiling fan. lounge area, restaurant, out door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar, gardens, dry cleaning. price range from 183$

The Vijiji center; Arusha city about 20-minute drive to the Arusha golf course. 19 guestrooms come with single double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with private bathrooms private balcony and toiletries and coffee makers. lounge area, restaurant, out door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar, gardens, dry cleaning. prices range around 60$

Meru view lodge; Arusha city about 31-minute drive to the Arusha national park. 15 guestrooms come with single double and family occupancy. all guestrooms come with private bathrooms private and toiletries. lounge area, restaurant  , out-door swimming pool, free wi-fii, well stocked bar, gardens, dry cleaning, picnic area. price ranges around 80-105$

Tanzania Safari Holiday Tours, Tanzania Wildlife Safari Vacation, Wildlife Safari in Tanzania-Tanzania Safari tours

Tanzania safari: Interested in wildlife safari to Tanzania? The Tanzania safari hub is noted to have amazing wildlife in Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire, Arusha and Lake Manyara wildlife safari parks. Tanzania safaris take you is the largest country in East African community, 13th and 31st on the African continent and global scale respectively covering 947,303km2 featuring a coastline of 800km2.

We arrange the best Tanzania safari tours at the affordable Tanzania safari prices. We cusomise, your tour based on your Tanzania safari budget as witnessed by many of our Tanzania safari Tripadvisor satisfied clients. Enjoy a cheap Tanzania safari to Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha National Park, Gombe National Park, Katavi National Park, Lake Manyara NP, Mahale Mountains NP, Mikumi National Park, Mkomazi National Park, Ruaha National Park, Ruaha National Park, Saadani National Park, Selous Game Reserve, Selous Game Reserve as well as to all popular Tanzania Wildlife safari national game reserves.

The geography of Tanzania is indeed amazing. The country features two extreme points on the African Continent including Africa’s highest point / altitude on Kilimanjaro Mountain 5,895m and the Africa’s lowest point in Lake Tanganyika 352m below sea level.

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