The Garamba National Park covers an area of 4900km2 and has been under the management of African parks limited since the year 2005 in conjunction with the InstitutCongolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN).
Garamba National Park is considered among the old and notable African parks standing as one of the exact wilderness areas. The Garamba National Park appears as an open vast protected area with undulating grasslands that set the amazing scene for rewarding encounters like elephant herds, the buffalo herds, the Uganda Kob with less appearance of Giraffe and Roan Antelope which appear unexpectedly.
Garamba National Park is located in the Haut-Uélédistrict Democratic Republic of Congo’s North eastern sector close to the Sudanese border. The park adjoins the Lantoto National Park in Sudan and is engulfed by Gangala- naBodio in the south, Mondo Missa in the East and Azande in the west all of which are hunting areas. Its northern border is a rich watershed for Congo and Nile Rivers. The total area of the entire Garamba landscape is 12,427km2.
The Garamba National Park was set up by the Belgian Royal Decree in the year 1938 making it among the first National Parks of Africa. The park was greatly linked to the Elephant Domestication Center which was set up in 1920 at theGangalanaBodio with over 100 elephants that were trained to work in the agricultural fields. GarambaNational Park was later declared a world Heritage site in the year 1980 and listed on the danger list in the year 1996 as a result of the populations of the threatened White Rhino Species that is apparently thought to be extinct in the park.
The Park’s wildlife suffered from immense pressure majorly from the Commercial Sudanese Poachers between 1976 and 1980. It is within this period that considerable counts of elephants reduced from 22,000 to only 5,000 individuals. In the year 1984, the white Rhino populations had reduced to fifteen (15) animals. The efforts to recover the white Rhino populations were enhanced especially in the southern region and by 1991, the number had increased to 30.
The park experienced severe poaching by both foreign and the local people at the height of the political unrest marked by the civil war, the foreign troops, undisciplined Congolese soldiers, Sudan’s SPLA rebels and eventually the Lord’s Resistance Army who occupied the park running away from the Uganda army. As a result of the unrest, the park infrastructure collapsed and the staff’s survival was hard and dangerous. It was until Nov 12th 2005 that the African Parks limited in conjunction with the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) took over the administration of Garamba National Park.
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